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媒体:原创  作者:日月峡
专业号:日月峡 2020/5/3 19:40:19

Russian Prime Minister tests positive for COVID-19-Pandemic Reflections

April 30, 2020: Russian PM Mishustin told President Putin in a video call that he has tested positive for coronavirus.

屏幕快照 2020-05-01 下午7.39.09

Screenshot of the video call

Mr Mishustin suggested that First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov should take over his responsibility while he is home quarantined.

According to the official Russian pandemic news site, as of April 30 10:35 am local time, Russia has over 100,000 confirmed cases and 1,073 deaths. The capital city, Moscow has 53,739 confirmed cases and is the hardest-hit city in the country. So far, Russia has tested 3.5 million people, out of whom 208K are suspected cases and on medical watch.

Russia is not alone. Multiple countries’ top officials have become infected with the virus. Among the almost 80 officials infected are Prince Charles, UK PM Boris Johnson, Monaco ruler Prince Albert II, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s wife and Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

There have been more than 200,000 deaths globally causing panic around the world. However, instead of panicking, we should use this opportunity to re-evaluate our lives. Things such as luxury mean nothing if we are not alive to enjoy it.

We need to stop our busy lives for a moment and think whether we are in harmony with nature. Is something wrong with us? Are we becoming weaker? How can we be so susceptible to a virus? We, as a species, need to save ourselves first and become stronger. This starts with exploring our inner selves. Our excessive taking from the nature and our greed have made the world full of wars. There is an old saying in China: The real medicine is within ourselves and the real power comes from developing ourselves.

Sun Moon Canyon (RiYueXia) Anti-Epidemic Home Fitness Exercises: https://youtu.be/y-NNlEPOdDg




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