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Things that touched me

媒体:原创  作者:Jing Xia
专业号:夏静 2018/9/27 16:27:49

First of all,I want tothank the Master and all the staff for making metake thetraining class.


I am Liu Dongfeng from Harbin. It was my teacher, Zhang Qun, who introduced me here. He was a student in the prior class. A lot of staff here knows him. He was 75 years old but applied for inedia. The staff were concerned so did not approve. He then directly asked the Master, who approved. He felt that the combination of inedia and forest yoga was particularly good,So whenhisclass was over, he recommended them to me. That’s how I came.

After coming, I felt that all the staffherewere very kind. They treat us like theirfamilies. In today's world, you can’t get anything done without knowing someone. But here, we felt like we knew each other already! The staff were very warm and thoughtful, and make people feel comfortable.Later, I found out that they were all volunteers. I believe this spirit is inspired by the Master’s universal love. In today's society, many people are working only for the money. So the volunteer spirit here is even more valuable. I heard that volunteers here don't get salary but they pay for accommodations and meals. It is really hard to seethiselsewhere. It really touches me.

Then things that touch me came one after another. AfterI got here,I started the inedia. Normally I should resume my diet after stop eating for five days. However, on the fifth day, I felt good so I applied to extend. Today ismyseventh dayandIstillwant to continue till I go home. The first few days were tough because I had never done inedia in my life. On the fourth day, my legs were so weak that I could barely practice.

When I was practicing, I relaxed my body and mind. I followed the Master’s instruction. When I was totally relaxed, I was able to achieve the preliminary effect. After I finished, I felt so relaxed, comfortable and good!

I became very good friend with my roommate. On the 5th day of inedia, he said “ let’s climb Mount. 18-Guai again”. The first time I did it was on my 1st day of inedia. It was really hard for me because I was always in my office and didn't do much outdoor activities. This time we are on our 5th day so most people found it hard to understand.

However, this time was unexpectedly effortless! We used the breathing method taught in the class. After the mountain, we walked back to the square and even finished the whole walking loop. Because the Master is very busy, we usually don’t bother him. But we ran into him at the square. After I told him that I successfully climbed Mount 18-Guai and finished the walking loop on my 5th day of fasting. He said:” This is nothing. Do not think that you will be weak without eating. I once walked 60 miles a day after fasting for two to three months!” I didn’t think much at that moment but after I went back, I suddenly realized that the Master was enlightening me – where do you get all those energy if you don’t eat for2-3months?! It is the Yoga that we learnt, as long as we believe in it and connect with the master.

The 2nd day into the class, the Master opened our Sanskrit acupoint, which allowed the universal energy to flow into our body. I felt very different when I practiced after that. The Master told us how it worked from the very beginning and re-emphasized it later in the class. And the energy in the classroom is so strong that even if you just sleep here, you may be healed.

If we can relax and listencarefullyto the Master’s lecture, we will have different experiences. When he speaks, we should feel the energy transmission. He never explicitly say so because he doesn’t want us to hang on to it. For example, I feel my body heated up during his class.

On the fourth day of the training course, I was able to imagine the three-color lights. On the fifth day, I was able to see the three-color words – On, Ah, Hon. I didn’t bring my Ah-card but confirmed that the three words I saw matched the card! I believe that the energy in the classroom, the vibration when all of us pronounce the three words together all contributed to this result. Our vibration reached the harmony. This is my own experienceand understanding.

Every time my body temperature increases when I practice. So I truly believe in each word the Master says about the practice. We must listen to the Master’s speech carefully and keep it in mind. Even if you don’t remember at the time, after you get home and start practicing, the Master’s words will come out. At least I had this experience.

Many people come here to look for a cure. But we really should not think about our illness all day long. My understanding is that even if you don't ask for a cure, as long as you do what the Master and staff taught you, you will regain the physical and mental health naturally. The first step is to observe our heart and mind, and adjust them. And then we should develop the desire to benefit people and all the living creatures around you.

I haven’t gone home yet but my sister and wife already committed to come. I plan to introduce this practice to 10 people this year and convince them to come. And next year I plan to expand to 20 people. I already told the Master that I wanted to come here to volunteer after I retire. He said “Welcome!” I have done various things during my life including a doctor. So I am sure that I can contribute to Riyuexia somehow.

I am determined to come back to this big family after I retire. With the Master, we are here to promote the Forest Yoga, I have accepted the Forest Yoga from the bottom of my heart and was touched by everything in Riyuexia. Thank you!

Chinese - English translation:Jing Xia

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